Monday, November 17, 2008

Turkey Day....

So, I hate the concept of Thanksgiving Day.

I like being grateful and giving thanks, but the ceremonial garbage, I never really like.

I enjoyed BTT (Before the twins) days. The kids would go to their dads, I could hibernate all day and night. I never went shopping on black Friday...we didn't have that in Canada...we had boxing day, until last year. I hated it, however I am still drawn to go this year. I am not sure why. Perhaps it's more for entertainment purposes, rather then to get any shopping done. I hate lines, I hate going to a store, to find out 199 before me bought what I was looking for, but I find it comical to see the shoppers endure this torture. Maybe just maybe, I'll be amidst them....or I'll take another roll in my comforter and disconnect the alarm!

Back to turkey day...

I really don't like cooking much; nor do like eating to the point of bursting at the sides, only to pretend I have room for dessert.

However I love my grandma's recipe for stuffing. That is all I really like about this time of year. I could make it other times, but it wouldn't be such a novelty to me.

The other day, just being polite, I asked Johnathan's sister-in-law if she needed help with Thanksgiving. She immediately was thankful, because she just found out she had to work, and she's the one that normally does this.

Did I mention I HATE cooking??????????

I hope Johnathan knows that I truly do care about him and his family, because I wouldn't do this for just anyone.

I think I got this meal down....put I need a good yam recipe....I hate the canned ones, and I can never tell when the yam is done.......I've never actually made the marshmallow topping, so if anyone has a good EASY recipe (preferred crock pot one) that they have done, please let me know.

At least the guys got this deep fryer thing for the turkey....I guess there's talk of one for the oven too,


10 cans of olives, veggie tray, turnip greens, corn/peas, cranberries (not from a can), stuffing (grandma's), spinach dip, mashed potatoes, gravy, yams (hopefully if they turn out.)

Anything missing???????????????


David said...

Hmmm.... Black Friday shopping. I think I'll do a little of that this year. On Amazon.

You are missing cheesecake for dessert. You can get the Jell-o instant cheesecake that comes with everything except milk and a pan. It takes like 15 minutes and is really good and hardly any work at all!

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a great menu! I am completely opposite you in this Thanksgiving tradition regard, however. I have such fond memories of helping my mom in the kitchen, and since she's gone, I hold tight to those.

Nancy said...

Turkey. You forgot turkey.

And Aunt Sara would be the one to ask about yams (which are actually sweet potatoes, probably). She has a good recipe that uses pineapple--it's really good. I'm sure she has a marshmallow recipe as well. She cooks everything...

Kelline said...

True..she is definitly a cook. Turkey is being deep fried by the boys.....I was thinking about getting a turkey breast..........

Aquaspce said...

Yams are orange
Sweet Potatoes are White.
The marshmallow topping is so easy Kelli, you'll laugh.
Cook your yams or sweet potatoes like regular potatoes, when they are tender, mash them and put in a baking pan.
Top with marshmallows and bake.

That's it that's all.

Good luck!

PS I LOVE COOKING so... if you ever need any help....

Kelline said...

Ya, will you drive down here and help?

Aquaspce said...

Oh, I usually add a little bit of ginger and butter while I'm mashing them up... just so you know.

Aquaspce said...

I would love to come down, however, it would be awkward with mom and dad and the kids coming up here...
Do you think I just offended anyone by calling them a kid?
I hope not.

Kelline said...

See...promises promises........