That's right, I did the first big scary task at hand! RoseMarie went to her first Young Women activity, and I barely cried. Her friend in the ward even came and picked her up early and I was okay. She went ice skating, I sat home with Olivia, and Sabrina and Johnathan went shopping.
Although I was sick, I stayed up until she got home. She came into the house with flushed red cheeks, bright red nose, and wet pants. "I fell a hundred times," she said, grinning from ear to ear! "Did you have fun?" I asked. She nodded her head in excitement. "I wasn't the best skater, but Brooke fell more times then me!"
I am glad she has made some friends since the move. I am glad that she had fun. I knew she'd like Young Women's. Kids grow up so quickly!
A quick thanks to those who have been so willing to talk to Miss Olivia on the telephone. If I am talking on the phone, never fear Olivia is right there, "I want to talk to her!" She gets quite loud and demanding with this request. Grandma, Aunts and close friends don't mind, however I find that doctor offices and telemarketers tend to seem a little put out if I honor her request! Aunt Josie and Grandma Layton are her two favorite people to converse with. She loves to tell Aunt Josie to look at things that she sees. Last night she would have called her another three times had I let her. She would bring me the phone and say, "Josie, talk to her."
Spring Formal
10 hours ago
Going to YW is such a big step! And the only time I went ice skating was iin YW, and I hated it!!
It took me a minute to realize she had gone ice skating. With small kids around, that's not the first thing I think of when I read "wet pants". Glad she had fun!
I'm glad that you got over the first day of your "fears." Rosie is a good girl :)
And Olivia is cute to talk with on the phone. Wish I could do it more often. *Sniff*
Miss you guys!
They do grow up so fast, don't they? I love what she had to say about her adventure. So cute!
I am accepting the fact she is 12. I think that this is the start of realizing I am now offically OLD!
So it was Olivia who called me...I thought it was Sabrina, because she said "beany" or words to that effect. We had a nice chat.
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