In reading all the blogs I visit, I had some great ideas to blog about. One of them was regarding the twins and their new "improved?" looks. Other ideas included funny thing the twins did, another was to post the picture I got of Rosie blowing out her candles. I am doing none of that to day. In fact I started this blog with no idea of what my fingers were going to spurt out.
Yesterday was Rosie's Birthday. It was a hectic day. I started the day out great, except for a late start in the morning, which forced me to take the freeway to work. I hate the freeway, especially in the morning rush hour. Johnathan you are right, it is faster! I got to daycare the same time as I normally did, with a ten minute late start. I hate the fact that he is right.
After dropping the twins off at daycare, Rosie at school; I headed to the store to get cupcakes for Rosie's school. I can be a "PTA" mom sometimes, but I am not usually this way. This may have been the first time that I have been able to do this for one of the kids. I got to work and had a pretty slow morning. I left to Rosie's school. I was going to take pictures, but as usual didn't think of that until after I was in my car heading back to work! Rosie got to have her 15 minutes of embarrassment, I mean spot light! She shared that her goal is to go to BYU and become a teacher. I am so proud she has an idea of a college at age 12!
When I got back to work the office was in shambles, okay not that bad, but it was very busy! I got my orders out, bills entered and it was time to leave. I hate messy desks, so I hid the mess, and picked up the kids.
Olivia and Sabrina, like most of my kids HATE wearing shoes. They get this trait from me, but it is still annoying. It never fails, on the drive home I get hit in the head with a shoe! Nothing is more surprising then to be engaged in conversation or to be singing "I have a tiny turtle" and then CONK! No warning either. I seriously think they need to invest in some kind of super glue invention for kids shoes.
Back to my day. I drop Rose off at home and go to meet Johnathan to pick up Rosie's present. I was being punished for not being able to pick up her present earlier. I mean seriously what was I thinking; shopping with two, two year olds, at WalMart, during supper time? I was in practically in tears when Johnathan met up with to take the girls back to the car. Then there was a problem with the TV we got her and something with the serial number. It never ceases, if you are in a hurry, e-v-e-r-y item will have a issue. I was so patient, waited and smiled, "I'm sorry" to the line of customers behind me. I know it's not really any ones fault, if anyone its me to blame for trying to hurry and bringing the twins along with. Poor Johnathan waiting in the car with the girls screaming like he was beating them. In fact when I came out he was standing outside the car, looking like someone might just accuse him of that!
The rest of the night went okay, we sang Happy Birthday, did cake with the neighbors and gave her the present. After the kids were laying down, I had the bright idea to start Johnathan's taxes. Needless to say I got his taxes done and was able view the back of my eyelids about 1:oo a.m.
Spring Formal
11 hours ago
Whew! What a day! You amaze me!
Sounds like a great day for the kids!
Josie used to completely undress during the ride home from her babysitter's house when she was this age. In -40 degree weather. She would go into the van wearing clothes, socks, underwear, snowsuit, boots, mittens...and emerge stark naked. I think I may have gotten hit in the back of the head a couple of times. Thankfully, she outgrew this. Today, she can take even cross-country car trips and only remove her shoes. Without throwing them.
I am so proud of Josie!
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