As we all know I am the greatest at attempts, but something that requires dedication and persistence? Leave that to my sister Nancy. Seriously, have you seen her blog? I feel guilty for not being as dedicated to writing as she is. I remember the life of just one child for a brief almost two years, the baby book was incredible! Let's see how after five kids, job and school..ha,ha,ha. These are just excuses to make me feel better.
Checking in up to date.
I am working for a company called Medax. I have replaced their customer service manager and I am the office guru around. I like the hours, pay is okay, and the people I work for are nice.
Christina is 15. For those of you who don't know she is my step-daughter from a shortly lived marriage, however she has chosen my family as hers. She started 9th grade this year and is loving it. She is currently in like again with Tyrone...but you know the age..... She is excellent at getting here homework done and babysits her foster sister's baby while she is at work.
RoseMarie is 11. She loves to text her friends on her cell phone. She is turning into a great babysitter, when she wants too. She is excited to be going to young women's in Jan. She is the oldest grade in here school and is hoping to be able to attend a charter school in the following year. She is looking forward to going to the movies by herself, with friends! So far she likes school, her friends, but that changes weekly.
Matthew is 9. He likes his new teacher and has a friend in his class. He gets to ride the bus to school with his brother and Rachel (his dad's girlfriend's girl). He loves to play video games and build with legos.
Andrew is 8. He also likes his new teacher and his friends in school. This year has been a rough one for his bones, he spent most the summer in a cast from jumping off the bed and breaking his arm. This was after just getting out of a walking boot for breaking his leg jumping off a trampoline. I think he needs to stop jumping off things!
Olivia is 2. She likes horsies, fireworks and parks. Just drive by some and you'll know. Olivia: "MOM! MOM! MOM! LOOK! LOOK! LOOK!" Mom: "I see." Olivia: "Horsie, or park, or pretty (fireworks)." She loves to talk on the phone and she is a cuddler.
Sabrina is 2. She likes movies, music and dressing up. She is a girly girl. Loves her nails painted and wearing make-up. She is very independent and will give the "Bina" glare if you interfere with her Independence.
Well hopefully pictures are to come and you will enjoy seeing the blog go through the construction stages.
We have some exciting things coming up!
Sept 5th FolkFest and Fireworks (for Ollie)
Sept 13th we are all going to the Crash-Up Demolition Derby
Sept 27th Duggar Family reunion
October 11th Harvest festival
October 18th Our Halloween Party.....Uncle Andrew will be missed as the "mad Scientist"
I am putting these events up has a hopeful ploy for me to blog on the aftermaths!
Until next time....
Dinner on Thursday
1 day ago
I like your new blog. I hope you will keep it going.
yay! You have a blog that's great... can't wait to see pictures :)
I love you!
Great to see you blogging again... love to keep up with your life via the internet as we both know how well i do at remembering to pick up the phone.. HUGE HUGS!!!!
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