I have a grandma that is an amazing woman. She literally came from the back country (southern Florida). She had grits, eggs and squirrel brains for breakfast. She was the only daughter and had an alcoholic father, who died in a car crash while she was still at home.
She met my Grandpa and fell in love. She was married when she was 18 and has been with him since. Amazing! She raised seven kids and only one of which was a daughter. They all have grown and left the house, well most of them...
She has compassion and care for all of her family. I know without her help, I wouldn't be the mother I am today. She has helped be raise my five kids, and held my hand through my struggles.
My Grandpa is struggling with Parkinson Disease, and I observe the love this women has for her husband. My Grandpa is getting worse. He has dementia, bad. He thinks people are on the roof at two in the morning and can't remember if he's coming or going. I can only imagine the pain of seeing someone who use to set off those fireworks, go through something like this.
I can only hope that I can learn from her the importance of compassion, patience and true love.
Dinner on Thursday
1 day ago
Great Post Kel
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