I gathered up the twins, Rose and her friend Becky and headed off for the evening festivities. We first had to get gas. Anyone who has had to fill up a Mini-Van from empty and kids in the car, knows that is a task on its own. Sabrina had a ripe diaper, so Rosie took her to change it. After chasing her down in the parking lot....half hour later we were on our way. With little errands here and there it took about two hours to get to the park.
So we arrive, to what I thought was going to be a wholesome family night at a park. This was a fundraiser for another church. I decided to buy some raffle tickets for a donation, since the activities Friday night were free. After having the girls help me right names and numbers on the back of tickets we put them in the drawing.
Kay, I learned something that night.
Always find out what the drawing is before you enter it!!!!
The prize was a barrel of booze....... not at all what I would expect from a church fundraiser!
I didn't win. I kept thinking if I did win having a wheel barrel would be nice.....
Anyway the night went alright, expect for the fact that they had a beer garden.
The playground was fun and the children activities were great. We had these large tubes to play in. Sabrina would crawl in one and allow other children to roll her around the field. It was funny, until one time it took us 20 min to find her! She was playing with Rose, so I was watching Olivia and then Rose asked where Sabrina was....needless to say she was in the tube being rolled around the field.
I wanted to go home before the fireworks, but the kids talked me into staying. We ooohed and aaaahed for a bit.
Grandma Layton had called me to see if I could fix the TV. Grandpa Layton quite often falls asleep with the remote in his hand and messes their tv/satellite set up. We stopped by there to fix it, was something simple.
I am taking this work empowerment course. The key think the instructor tells us is that fear of technology is what keeps us old! I think of my grandparents lives and the amazing things they have gotten to see develop through technology. How overwhelming this day and age is! I am never looking forward to the day where I must have my grandchildren come over to explain a "simple" error I made.
Dinner on Thursday
1 day ago
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