Olivia is now called O-LEEEE. I used to spell her nickname Ollie, but I think that the O-LEEEE, really expresses her way of saying it. On the way home from work yesterday, the back seat conversation went something like this:
Sabrina: Olwiva
Olivia: Not Olwiva, I O-LEEEE.
Sabrina: Olia
Olivia: Not Olia, I O-LEEEE. Say it, O
Sabrina: O
Olivia: now LEEEE
Sabrina: Lee
Olivia: O-LEEE!
Sabrina: Olia.
Olivia: M-Om, him not saying O-LEEE.
I think Olivia has taken to Jonathan's method. Example of the conversation the night before:
Sabrina: Pa-sic-able
Jonathan: Huh?
Sabrina: Pa-sic-able (this time pointing to the freezer)
Me: I think she wants a POP-SIC-LE.
Jonathan: Sabrina say Popsicle.
Sabrina: Pa-sic-able
Jonathan: Say pop.
Sabrina: Pop
Jonathan: now say sic.
Sabrina: Sic
Jonathan: cull
Sabrina: cull
Jonathan: Popsicle
Sabrina: Pa-sic-able
Reminds me of the TABOR story.......anyway....she'll get it, specially with the great patience of Daddy and O-LEEEE!
His Eye is On the Sparrow
12 hours ago
Hukt on fawniks worct four mee.
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