Some of you may or may not be aware that I suffer from migraines. I have had them for years. Friday, I could no longer take the pain and went to the hospital for a shot. Unfortunately that shot didn't work and they had to give me something a little stronger. I came home and slept it off and awoke Saturday with a full blown migraine, even after my husband allowed me two EXTRA hours of sleep. He took me back to the hospital and they gave me an IV of something, that caused me to sleep while there, and then again at home. Around 6 p.m. I came too. My headache was almost gone, however both my husband and I noticed a strange bump on my hand just below where the IV was. I put an ice pack on it and went back to sleep. I woke up Sunday and noticed the bump had gone down some and proceeded to get ready for church. I barely hit my arm and a weird pain emanated. I looked down to see that my wrist and hand were considerably larger than they should have been. We went back to the hospital, where we found out that I have a blood clot in my arm. I am taken aspirin to hopefully thin out the blood. Let's cross our fingers!
As for Rosie's news......
Rosie will be performing in the Temple Celebration on May 30th. This will be broadcast to all stake centers in North America. There will also be DVD's available for sale afterwards. It starts at 7:00 p.m. that night. I know that she along with other youth in our stake have put HOURS of practice into this performance.
His Eye is On the Sparrow
6 hours ago
How scary! I hope that everything is OK!
/fingers crossed
oh sweetie - I hope all goes well...
I hope you're okay! Thinking about you today... I love you!
Blood clots can be mom died from one. But I know yours is less sever. I hope things will be okay.
That's awesome about Rosie! What a fantastic opportunity for her!
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