Okay. I admit it, I am not perfect. My hair is graying, my hips have widened, i have bags under my eyes. My lips are cracked and I bite my nails. So what?
My house is 89.9% going to be a disaster if you "pop" in unannounced.....i work 2 jobs, i have a life, and i have too many kids the "assist" in the chores. My laundry has mass produced in a way that is unexplainable, my kids don't always get a traditional meal. We watch too much tv and i forget to wash behind the kids ears sometimes......
What you don't know......
Often we're all found snuggling on the big bed watching movies and wrestling. Sometimes i let the girls do my hair, and i go out in public like so. There isn't any cobwebs hanging from the ceiling and my drawers are neat and tidy.....unless the girls messed them up. We dress up in my heels and turn the radio up and sing/dance around the house....i'll cut their sandwich into shapes with cookie cutters....they fix dinner.....so what it's crackers and frosting......once in a while that's good.....we rush and race to see who can clean the most.....we give kisses and even give eskimo kisses and butterfly kisses...my favorite of all is the beautiful singing that i hear from my girls.......
What would we see if we looked at your life magnified?
Spring Formal
12 hours ago
You're focusing on what's most important, and that's what your girls will remember :)
I hope life is treating you well, Kelline.
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