My head is pounding, my body aches, my throat is on fire and my ear is throbbing. This has been going on since late afternoon on Friday. Saturday I saw a doctor who told me that I have a middle ear infection. I started my antibiotics and tried to take it easy Sunday. This morning I woke up from a restless night of sleep, with a temperature about 102 degrees. I felt the aches everywhere and definitely was not any better.
I have such a wonderful husband. He took the girls into the city for school/daycare, and then headed off to work. I went in to my doctor's only to be told I needed to go to the hospital to receive IV antibiotics. My loving husband came and picked me up and took me over to the hospital. He held my hand through the pokes and proddings.
I am home now, and he is picking the girls up. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow.........
Spring Formal
11 hours ago
So sorry! Hope you are very quickly on the mend!
I'm sorry you are sick. Even though we missed you on Sunday, I am glad that you could stay in and rest. Feel better soon!
I wonder if it's the same thing that's been going around here in Missouri. It mimics strep throat, and caused my teeth to hurt. It's nasty stuff! I hope you feel better soon!
Oh! I sure hope you get well soon! It is certainly hard enough to be a mother without illness on top of it. You're in our prayers, Kelline!
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