I feel like a heel, I haven't posted, haven't read blogs....ever have one of those weeks?
Tuesday I received a phone call from a lady who is in the HR department for a Federal agency. She asked if I could expand my resume and customize it for a certain job. This is a really awesome opportunity, and it has consumed a lot of my time. Now I am just waiting. I hope I hear something soon, but life will still go on. It's weird waiting to see if something will impact your life, or not.
I am reminded of the big prediction of this major earthquake in Vancouver. I mean there were kids who actually stayed home from school that day. We were curious and anxious, and then nothing happened, in fact they're still waiting for the big one to come.
So just like that day, I am waiting and anticipating, but I still get dress and show up to the job I have.
Friday, February 27, 2009
I've been Busy...
Posted by Kelline at 9:24 AM 2 comments
Monday, February 23, 2009
My boys bonded!
I pick up the boys from their father's house on Friday, explaining that I need to stop by and pick up Jonathan at his work. The boys complain, saying that's not fun, and how long of a drive it is.
We pull up to a practically deserted warehouse out in Linden. We enter a huge shop and I take them to the tool room, where Jonathan had just finished putting together a joystick to a scissor lift. The boy's eyes become huge as the stare out to the scissor lift in the shop.
Andrew timidly asks if he can climb on the machine. Much to his surprise, Jonathan says, "Yes!" Andrew starts asking 20 questions. Next thing we know Jonathan tells Andrew to turn the key. The engine sputters a little and runs. Jonathan cues Andrew on how to move the fork high, out, and then back down! Matthew is a little shyer, so he didn't want a turn. Jonathan, then let the boys stand on the prongs and gave them a little ride. He then took them for a ride in the huge truck he drives. I don't know for sure if HE knows, but he now has two little boys that are in complete awe of him.
He then offered them a job in the summer sweeping up the shop at five bucks an hour! That's a lot of dough for a little kid! They are so excited. I am so lucky to have found a husband that is so dear to my children.
Posted by Kelline at 7:53 AM 6 comments
Friday, February 20, 2009
Look alikes....
Posted by Kelline at 8:35 AM 2 comments
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Sabrina Survived!
Yesterday's surgery went well. Sabrina is milking all the attention. Will post some pictures later; just thought I'd update the family.
Posted by Kelline at 2:41 PM 5 comments
Labels: Sabrina
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Potty Training....
We've been working with the girls for over a year, but they just are not quite ready to be potty trained. However occasionally they do sit on the potty and pose for funny pictures. Sabrina attempting to go potty......
Posted by Kelline at 8:09 AM 5 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
The Aftermath
The honeymoon was great! It started off a little rocky....We checked in to the hotel, and the room did not meet the expectations of the description online. They had all the jacuzzi suites filled that night, but moved us into one the next day. I guess some of the luck of Friday the Thirteen showed up.
After we got that all worked out, we had a great time. We even checked out the Evanston Museum. It was fun to be a couple without kids for a couple of days.
We even went to Walmart to pick up a few forgotten items. Johnathan assumed he had his wallet, only to find out that he somehow picked up my deodorant instead.....That gave us a laugh for a while.
When we got back into town, responsibilities took over and we found ourselves in the IHC instacare with the twins. Olivia has bronchitis and Sabrina has yet another ear infection! They are still full of activity and now antibiotics.
Thank you for all the well wishes and congratulations. We are truly happy together and look forward to the years to come.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Good news and Bad news
Since the good new is regarding myself, I'll start with the bad news.
We just had Sabrina's follow up appointment with the ENT. Last week we had another CT scan done of her sinuses, since she has had another ear infection. Although the CT scan showed improvements from September, that isn't saying a whole lot, considering that the doctor completely flushed out her sinuses in December. All of her sinus cavities are infected. The worse one is the one that is closest to the brain. That particular cavity is the one that tends to give people the sinus migraines. She is scheduled to have surgery on this coming Wednesday.
As for the good news.....
I won't be blogging for at least three days, or at least I better not be, since I'll be on my HONEYMOON. Yes, that's right, if everything goes as plan, tomorrow after 1:00 p.m., I'll be married to Jonathan Dewegeli. He will be a valued addition to our family and I love him.
Posted by Kelline at 9:19 AM 6 comments
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
I planned this blog.
I have never claimed to be the smartest, wittiest or the perfect person. I do make some mistakes and I'll be the first to admit that, most of the time anyway.
Saturday, I decided to tackle the chore of cleaning our room. See, in my house my room is the dumping grounds for the "I don't know where it goes" and the "to lazy to put in storage" and don't forget the "I have no time to deal with" junk. It also is the last room I clean, because let's face it, who sees my room besides Jonathan and myself and the kids?
I decided to thin out my shoes. I admit, I am some what of a shoe-a-holic. At one point I had over one hundred pairs. Since being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, I can no longer wear heels. Doesn't mean I don't, I just am in a lot of pain when I do. I also tend to hold on to the really comfortable shoes, until they completely fall apart. I threw two pairs of my shoes away! I think over the last year I have dwindled down to less then fifty pairs. Jonathan still thinks I need to get rid of more, but that will come in time, I suppose.
What started all this was the fact that Jonathan bought three new pairs of shoes, and asked me to throw out his old ones. I figured I'd thin out mine while I was at it. He was so happy to have our room almost normalized! Mind you I was doing this with five kids in and out, refereeing a few arguments and doing other motherly stuff. So my mind was as usual on a 100 other things as well as the task at hand.
Yesterday morning Johnathan went to get ready for work. He asked if I knew where his boots were. I told him we'd have to find them when we got home, because we were already running late. He assumed that one of the twins had tried them on and walked out with them.
After work I get a phone call that goes something like this:
My boots are gone.
I'm sure they are there somewhere.
Nope, I searched the whole house, they are gone.
Honey, obviously you must of not searched EVERY where, because they are somewhere.
Nope, they are gone, one of the kids owes me a new pair of boots.
When was the last time you saw them?
Saturday morning.
I cleaned the room Saturday, are you sure they're not in the closet? Maybe they got thrown out accidentally.
They wouldn't have been thrown away.
During this time a strong picture came into my head of the boots in a garbage bag. I tried calling back, but there was no answer. I prepared mentally to come home to a grumpy man who just lost his new pair of pretty expensive boots. About a half hour later I got a call from him, that went something like this:
You threw my boots out.
Did I?
You know when you throw a man's boots out you throw him out with them?
I didn't do it on purpose. I love you.
(I couldn't tell if he was serious or not)
Honey, I love you, I didn't mean to. I am sorry.
Laughter......I guess now you'll have a funny story to blog about tomorrow!
He's right, I do! Thanks honey.
Posted by Kelline at 8:06 AM 3 comments
Monday, February 9, 2009
Believe it or Not!
When RoseMarie picked this kitten, she picked the most sweetest one in the world. It's hard to believe that this is the same kitty that attacks toes in the middle of the night!
Seriously have you ever known a kitten to enjoy playing Barbies with a two year old?
Posted by Kelline at 8:17 AM 2 comments
Friday, February 6, 2009
I liked this tag, so I nabbed it and am doing it, (thanks Mary)
Where is your cell phone.....................DESK
Your hair........................................SHINY
Your father.....................................LOVE
Your favorite thing............................HUMOR
Your dream last night..........................FORGOTTEN
Your favorite drink.............................DT PEPSI
Your dream/goal...............................SALVATION
The room you are in...........................OFFICE
Your fear........................................AGING
Where do you want to be in 6 years.......HAPPY
One of your wish list items....................CLEAN HOME
Where you grew up...........................EVERYWHERE
The last thing you did.........................SHOPPED
What are you wearing.........................CASUAL
Your TV..........................................ON
Your pets........................................DAISY, MISCHIEF, MAMA
Your computer..................................WORK
Your life..........................................CHANGING
Your mood.......................................ANXIOUS
Missing someone...............................SISTERS
Your car.........................................GOOD
Favorite store..................................ROSS
Your summer....................................REUNIONS
Your favorite color.............................PURPLE
When is the last time you laughed..........TODAY
Last time you cried............................AWHILE
Three of my favorite foods..................MUSHROOMS, CHEESECAKE, BBQ KETTLE POTATO CHIPS
Three places I would rather be right now....with ABRA (ALBERTA), ARRIKA (SAN FRAN/VAN), or NANCY (EGYPT)
Posted by Kelline at 12:22 PM 1 comments
Labels: Tagged
Rewind in Time
My daughter RoseMarie, just had the class. You all know that "special" class in or around 6th grade. If you don't then maybe you had the "talk" with one of your parents, hopefully some point in your life. If you haven't, and you've reached adulthood, email me and I explain that women and men are different.
Anyways, back to the point of this.
RoseMarie received the assorted bag of goodies from the class, she has left it in the car for several days now. Yesterday the twins found it and started pulling things out....
I was about 13 yrs old and we were having some kind of meeting at our house. I think it was for a church talent show or something like that. P. was my younger brother and about three years old. He came in the living room and said he had "presents" for everyone. He started handing out maxi pads to everyone. I about died of embarrassment! All these friends of mine, boys included received a nicely wrapped "present".
Fast Forward!
The vivid memory and embarrassment quickly came into view as I watched the girls wave tampons to passing cars. My daughter seems to be unfazed by this chain of events! Who knows maybe my brother scarred me for life?
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Life as we know it....
My headache started on Monday, continued on Tuesday, and by Wednesday blew into one of my lovely undesirible migranes. The kind the take me into the E.R. for a few hours. However I awoke this morning and for the first time in a long time, I feel truly rested.

Posted by Kelline at 8:09 AM 8 comments
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Sabrina, again....
We went to the doctors yesterday and her toe is still swollen. In fact yesterday she refused to walk on it at all. Perhaps she might have over done it this weekend? I find it funny how when a child is an invalid, they seem to loose their voice as well. She now communicates through a series of grunts and moans and pointing. I wish she was a little better at charades, or I at reading her mind. Johnathan even felt sorry for her, because in the middle of the night he brought into the bed.
Wednesday we will go to the fracture clinic, up at Primary Children's to see if she is going to get a cast.
On top of all this, she has two ear infections, again! Her doctor wants us to go in for a CT scan to check her sinuses and see if they are filling up again. We do that this coming Friday. I hope that everything is alright; I really don't want to go through the next phase of the surgery.
Poor gal!
Posted by Kelline at 8:27 AM 1 comments
Monday, February 2, 2009
Sabrina was helping with dinner Friday night and dropped a 28 oz can of tomatoes on her left foot. The result was a broken toe and a lot of blood. This is her foot after they cleaned it up! The picture above was her getting her IV in. They had to sedate her so they could drill holes in her toe nail to relieve pressure!
Showing off her IV above and below is a picture of her sedated. She was such a trooper.
Mommy tried to cheer her up by sticking her monitors on odd places, but really she just wanted to be left alone!
We finally got home at 4 a.m. and went to bed. The next day she was jumping on the bed and you wouldn't even know she broke her toe, if it hadn't been wrapped up!
Posted by Kelline at 8:09 AM 7 comments
Labels: Sabrina