I scrubbed the floor after they vomit all over the place. I wiped their butts through hundreds of diaper changes. I feed one with an eye dropper, while she was too sick to drink from a bottle. I held several tiny hands while they awoke from various surgeries. Bandaged and bruised I managed the best I could while I raised my 5 children.
Where was their dad? That's right "not his scheduled weekend". Surgeries I had he wouldn't take them. When they had owies or sickness he wouldn't take them. I struggled with behavioral problems....WHY? because I wouldn't bet them.
He has them 2 years, yes they don't act out, WHY? because if they do they are beat. I have pictures, doctor reports. I guess that's where I went wrong.
I am worried if he is on his own with the kids. I don't have to worry though. HIS MOTHER will take them in, that I can be grateful for. He won't have to do it ALONE.